Shun Emote and Yukiko Nishimura had a poster presentation at the ICORD 2017, respectively.

2017.09.09 20:23

Shun Emote, the researcher of ASrid, and Yukiko Nishimura , the president of ASrid, had poster presentations at ICORD 2017 (International Conference for the Orphan Drugs and Rare Diseases), respectively

Tittle: The recognition among pharmaceutical company employees about research and development of orphan drugs and patient group involvement; Qualitative Questionnaire Survey

Shun Emoto, Kazuyoshi Ikeda, Kosuke Anbo, and Yukiko Nishimura

Title: JAPANESE LATEST SITUATION AND CHALLENGE: Making NANBYO (rare and intractable diseases) an Asian Health Priority

Yukiko Nishimura1), Yukiko Mori 2), Koji Mizutani 2) and Tateo Ito 2)

1) NPO ASrid, 2) Japan Patients Association (JPA)

ICORD Website;