【Press Release】Announcement of STEP (Strategic Translational Action for Empowering Patients) Establishment, Information Community for Rare Disease Stakeholders

2021.12.24 14:00

We are pleased to announce that ASrid, a non-profit organization, has established STEP Community in December 2021, together with companies and medical professionals, with the aim of "disseminating correct information obtained from appropriate parties from various perspectives and responding to the "need to know" of patients, their families, and other stakeholders. "

Not only pharmaceutical companies, but also medical device manufacturers, CROs, medical IT companies, and companies in related industries can participate in the STEP community. 

By promoting the activities of STEP, we hope that STEP will become a "correct index" and "selectable index" of information needed by all people involved in the field of rare diseases.

We also hope that STEP will help match the information that patients and their families "want to know" with the knowledge that stakeholders "want to deliver".

For details, please see the following PDF file.
